Friday, 26 December 2008

5- Islamic Arts

OMG Its a white British agnostic teen discussing another religions culture..


Ok, enough of that . I may have an interest in politics, but I still think Islamic art is superior and owns all other religious art. Why do I say this?

Just look at it, its patterns, its real surreal and mesmerising. I would rank it higher than any of Da Vincis work. I wish I had the oppurtunity to visit a mosque. Not for religious purposes, but to see the sheer beauty of the place.


  1. Hello,
    Thank You for commenting on my page. These pictures are lovely.

  2. Aww, Stuart!

    I love Da Vinci's art. What I don't get is the beauty of, precisely, Islamic religious art.

    Anyway, you know, your blog really is quite a vulgar shade of red. It's the pure red that I hate. Not a lot of naturally-occuring objects are that color so my eyes are just so unaccustomed.

    China's COLD, Stuart. If I go to England, I don't know how I'd survive like you are now.

