Wednesday 24 December 2008

3- Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe.. This country used to be the breadbasket of Africa. Rich, and fertile land used to engulf this African paradise. Lets admit it, Robert Mugabe used to be one of the best rulers in Africa. He made sure Zimbabwe's economy was tip-top in form. He made sure the people were fed, and he looked after the sick and the poor by building hospitals.

But something seemed to snap in his mind around the year 2000. First of all, he decided to claim back land stolen by white colonialists over a hundred years ago. So he rounded up his troops and drove out the current white Zimbabwe farmers.

Mr Mugabe.. If you want to feed your people, you let the most experienced farmers run the business, not a load of 'ZANU-PF war veterans' with no prior experience to farming. This action led to white Zimbabwean farmers leaving the country. There were 5000 farmers, now they are only 280. The people of Zimbabwe are now starving.

'Operation Drive Out Trash' was another Mugabe tactic. To clear 'illegal settlements' and other shanty towns. This action lead to thousands becoming homeless. By this time, most western country's had themselves against Zimbabwe.

And after rigging an election, and sinking the country into a 231000000% inflation rate (compared to UK's 4.1%, or Germany's 2.0%), he accused the British of the widespread cholera outbreak in his country, which has claimed 10,000 lives.

His information minister described the cholera outbreak as a "genocidal onslaught on the people of Zimbabwe by the British". It is pathetic of the Mugabe regime to accuse the British of causing a Zimbabwe genocide, but Robert Mugabe later shocked the world by saying that he got rid of cholera overnight.

Someone needs to get rid of him, and install a new government that is democratic, but no country will do it. Want to know why? Well I will tell you why..

There is no oil in Zimbabwe


  1. No oil, and its not in the way of a potential oil pipeline route to the coast.

  2. Hah!

    Well, many good points raised. ZANU-PF is a pretty shit idea by itself and if ZANU-PF or Mugabe were attacked when I was in Hong Kong Model United Nations as a Zimbabwean delegate, I would really be squeezing my mind in order to give valid justification. Cholera, unemployment, internally displaced persons, inflation, social unrest and political controversy over presidential elections...

    There is no sense in Zimbabwe too.

    I would still like to visit Zimbabwe, though. It would be a very unique travel experience.


  3. Mulled Vine: Yes, thats why I feel that I am blame many western nations aswell.

    Michael: That sounds near impossible to defend Mugabes actions as illegitimate, and it must have been tough for the model U.N.

    I am not sure if I would like to travel to Zimbabwe, but when Mugabe dies, or some smart country helps get rid of him, I would love to visit a rebuild Zimbabwe.

  4. Exactly VRP, no oil, no interest!

